Graduation Requirements
Religion: 2 credits (1/2 credit per year); English: 4 credits; Social Studies: 4 credits; Mathematics: 4 credits; Science: 3 credits; Foreign Language: 2 credits (or equivalent); Fine Arts: 1 Credit: Physical Education: 2 credits (½ credit per year); Health Education: ½ credit.
In addition, students must successfully pass the required Regents Exams (in accordance with New York State guidelines):
College Placement
College Placement: 98% of the Cardinal Hayes graduating class of 2023 was accepted into post-secondary schools. Among the schools that Hayesmen have been accepted into over the past ten years are Yale University, The University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, The University of Notre Dame, Dartmouth University, Boston College, Villanova University, Syracuse University, SUNY/Albany, SUNY/Buffalo, Manhattan College, Fordham University, New York University, and St. John’s University.